Daraclean 283 (55gal)

Daraclean 283 (55gal)

Item #: 01-6060-45
Daraclean 283 55gal barrel

Daraclean 283

Alkaline Aqueous Cleaner

Daraclean® 283 is a low-foaming, powerful alkaline cleaning solution formulated for use on a broad spectrum of soils, composed of surfactants, emulsifiers, and corrosion inhibitors. It is safe to use on most metals and is non-aggressive towards titanium alloys.

Daraclean 283 has excellent soil rejecting properties that remove soils, then allow solids to settle and lighter grease droplets to float. The solution can be filtered and skimmed to extend its life much further than emulsion-type cleaners.

Daraclean 283 is designed for immersion, spray and ultrasonic applications, in concentrations up to 25 percent. It is tested and certified to meet or exceed aerospace specifications for aqueous alkaline cleaners. High alkaline chemistry is aggressive on soils, and low foam levels can be used in spray applications. Daraclean 283 contains no phosphates and is highly tolerant of hard water, and its inhibitors prevent corrosion on metals.

Daraclean 283 is specifically designed for carbon steel, cast iron, nickel and superalloys, stainless steel and titanium, and it also works well on brass and bronze, copper, plated metals, and can be used on aluminum. It is effective on water soluble oils, machining fluid, synthetic coolants, and medium and heavy weight oils, lube oils, buffing compounds. It will also work on carbonized soils. Daraclean 283 comes in 55-gallon containers.


  • Heavy-duty, high alkaline cleaner
  • Low foam level
  • Corrosion inhibitor
  • Soil rejecting properties
  • Aerospace approved

Product Properties

NDT Type: Aqueous Cleaners

pH Level: High-alkaline

Foam Level: Low

Silicates: Yes

Phosphates: No

Hard Water Tolerance: High

Aerospace Compliant: Yes

SCAQMD Certified: No



Ideal Application: Brass, Bronze, Carbon steel, Cast iron, Copper, Magnesium, Nickel, Plated metals, Stainless steel, Titanium

Removes: Buffing compounds, Carbonized soils, Heavy oils and dirt, Heavy petroleum oils, Lube oils, Machining fluid, Medium weight and lube oils, Water-soluble oils


Standards: AMS 1551, 1551A, BAC 5749, Pratt and Whitney PMC 1421



Product Data Sheet

Safety Data Sheet