SKC-S (55 gal) NDT Cleaner & Remover

SKC-S (55 gal / 208 L drum)

Item #: 01-5750-45
SKC-S 55gal barrel
SKC-S 55gal barrel
SKC-S aerosol can, 1 gal jug, 5gal bucket, and 55gal barrel


NDT Cleaner & Remover

SKC-S is an NDT-approved solvent cleaner/remover for pre-cleaning before non-destructive testing and for removing excess surface penetrant from an inspection area before applying developer during liquid penetrant testing.

This non-halogenated solvent remover can be used on a wide range of substrates to remove oils, greases and other contaminants. SKC-S dries quickly without leaving a residue, and meets the low-residue requirements for NDT and aerospace penetrant testing.


Maximize range of inspections

  • Inspect a wide range of components without worry
  • Conforms to AMS 2644 Class 2, ASME BPVC and all major aerospace requirements

Application versatility

  • Use a single cleaner throughout the entire penetrant testing process
  • Comes in both bulk and aerosol forms, or as part of a kit for convenience
  • Use with various applicators, choose the sprayer that works best for your application

Minimize risk of missing a flaw

  • Inspect reliably by cleaning only the surface without flushing penetrant out of discontinuities
  • Dries quickly without leaving residue to prevent false indications 


  • AMS 2644 Class 2 nonhalogenated remover
  • Fast drying
  • Leaves no residue
  • Suitable for use at low temperatures
  • Alloy compatibility
  • Bulk or aerosol form
  • Doesn’t over clean

Product Properties

NDT Type: Fluorescent Penetrant Testing, Visible Penetrant Testing


Ideal Application: Non-destructive testing pre-cleaning, Post inspection cleaning, Removing excess surface penetrant


Standards: AECL, AMS 2644, ASME BPVC, ASTM E1417, Boeing BAC 5423 PSD 6-46 or 8-4, Boeing PS-21202, General Electric P50YP107, ISO 3452-2, NAVSEA 250-1500-1, NAVSEA T9074-AS-GIB-010/271, Pratt & Whitney PMC 4366



How to Do Fluorescent NDT with Liquid Penetrant Inspection

How to Do Visible NDT with Liquid Penetrant Inspection

Product Data Sheet

Safety Data Sheet, Liquid

Safety Data Sheet, Aerosol