SKD-S2 (55 gal) Solvent Based Developer

SKD-S2 (55 gal / 208 L drum)

Item #: 01-5352-45
SKD-S2 55gal barrel
SKD-S2 55gal barrel
SKD-S2 aersol can, 1 gal, 5 gal & 55gal jugs


Solvent Based Developer

A bright white, non-aqueous developer, SKD-S2 creates an opaque white background for high-contrast penetrant testing and quickly draws penetrant out to create stronger, clearer indications for better inspection reliability and sensitivity.

Noted for its compatibility with special alloys, such as stainless steel, aluminum, magnesium and titanium, SKD-S2 is non-halogenated, can be used with Type 1 & Type 2 penetrants. This solvent-based developer meets aerospace and nuclear industry requirements, and complies with all major NDT specifications, including ISO 3452.

SKD-S2 helps speed up the inspection process by going on easily, drying quickly, promoting faster indication formation and minimizing post-inspection cleaning. It is ideal for machine shops, weld testing and field applications.

SKD-S2 is listed on the QPL SAE AMS 2644 Qualified Product List and is approved by numerous Aerospace Primes including, Boeing, GE and Honeywell.


Increases indication visibility

  • Improves indication detection by creating an optimal surface for penetrant indication formation
  • Bright white, opaque coverage blocks all underlying surface color and quickly draws penetrant to the surface for stronger, clearer indications

Application versatility

Faster cleaning

  • Reduces inspection process time by minimizing post-inspection cleaning
  • Easy-to-apply formula goes on cleanly, dries quickly and promotes faster indication formation to shave time off each step of the inspection process


  • Bright white color
  • Provides good background contrast
  • Nonfluorescent
  • Wicks penetrant out of indications
  • Fast drying
  • Easy to apply
  • Convenient, ready to use formula
  • Very low toxicity
  • Matte, opaque coating
  • Easy to clean

Product Properties

NDT Type: Fluorescent Penetrant Testing, Visible Penetrant Testing

Penetrant Type: Type 1, Type 2

Developer Form: Form d, Form e


Ideal Application: Field applications, Machine shops, Welds


Standards: AECL, AMS 2644, ASME BPVC, ASTM E1417, Boeing BAC 5423 PSD 6-46 or 8-4, Boeing PS-21202, GE P3TF2, GE P50YP107, Honeywell EMS 52309, ISO 3452-2, NAVSEA 250-1500-1, NAVSEA T9074-AS-GIB-010/271, QPL SAE AMS 2644


How to Do Visible NDT with Liquid Penetrant Inspection

Product Data Sheet

Safety Data Sheet, Liquid

Safety Data Sheet, Aerosol

Penetrant Testing Process Guide

How to Do Visible Dye Penetrant Testing

How to Do Fluorescent Penetrant Testing

Shelf Life Statement