ZP-14A (20 lb) Water Soluble Developer

ZP-14A (20 lb / 9.07 kg pail)

Item #: 01-3381-75
ZP-14A 20lb bucket


Water Soluble Developer

ZP-14A is a water-soluble developer for the enhancing penetrant indications during liquid penetrant inspections. It produces a uniform white porous coating when dry which is easily removed in post inspection cleaning by a water spray. Advantages include bright and highly defined indications, and can be cleaned with water.  

This white free-flowing powder dissolves in water to form a developer solution and does not require agitation once the developer bath is prepared.

ZP-14A is recommended for use with Level 2 ZL-2C, Level 3 ZL-27A and Level 4 ZL-37 post-emulsifiable penetrants.

ZP-14A is listed on the QPL SAE AMS 2644 Qualified Product List.


  • Bright, highly-defined indications
  • Can be cleaned off with water
  • Even, uniform coverage
  • QPL SAE AMS 2644 Qualified Product List

Product Properties

NDT Type: Fluorescent Penetrant Testing, Visible Penetrant Testing

Penetrant Type: Type 1, Type 2

Developer Form: Form b



Ideal Application: Castings, Forgings, Machined components

Defect Examples: Cracks, Porosity



Standards: AECL, AMS 2644, AMS 2647, ASME, ASTM E1417, Boeing BAC 5423 PSD 6-46 or 8-4, GE P3TF2, QPL SAE AMS 2644



Product Data Sheet

Safety Data Sheet